Dua-e-Fatima Foundation’s Hope & Faith Diabetes & Endocrinology Centre! Offering comprehensive healthcare services in Hyderabad, Pakistan.

All the patients are seen free of cost regardless of financial status.

Diabetes related laboratory testing, ECG, ultrasound and echocardiogram are free for Zakat eligible patients. They are also provided with one month’s supply of oral diabetes medicines free of cost.

Cataract surgery is fully free for Zakat eligible patients.
Financially blessed patients are provided with free consultations and other services at discounted rates.

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Dua-e-Fatima Foundation’s Hope & Faith Diabetes & Endocrinology Centre! Offering comprehensive healthcare services in Hyderabad, Pakistan.
All the patients are seen free of cost regardless of financial status.
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Diabetes related laboratory testing, ECG, ultrasound and echocardiogram are free for Zakat eligible patients. They are also provided with one month’s supply of oral diabetes medicines free of cost.
Cataract surgery is fully free for Zakat eligible patients.
Financially blessed patients are provided with free consultations and other services at discounted rates.
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